Lecture 2: Water Cycle and Water Budget
Week 2: Videos:
1. The water cycle: (1092) The Water Cycle – YouTube
2. Water Budget: (1092) Water Budgets: The Hydrologic Cycle and Topographic Maps – YouTube
3. Youtube video: (1091) Using Excel to do a Water Budget on a Hypothetical Lake – YouTube
Problem Set #1: Water Budget
Lab 1: Water Budget
- Lab 1 – Mono Lake Water Budget.pdf : in Lee, Keenan, and C. W. Fetter. Hydrogeology Laboratory Manual. New York: Macmillan, 1994.
Please skip questions 2, 3 and 4 on pages 5-7 (in the Thiessen Method and Isohyetal Method sections). Complete all the other questions. Show your calculations and answers on a separate (answer) sheet. Make sure to include sufficient explanations (in words) so that the answers can be understood.
Clearly label each question, and leave space between questions. Scan and submit as one PDF file.
Please also submit the excel sheet that you downloaded from the website.