Course Schedule: Unit 1

Week 1: Watersheds and Water Mass Balances

Week 2: Precipitation, Measurement, and Historical Data

Week 3: Evaporation, Transpiration

Week 4: Infiltration, Water at the Land-Surface

Week 5: Runoff Processes, Infiltration and Saturation

Week 6: Streamflow, Hydrographs, Land Use Change

Week 7: Flood Prediction and Flood Frequency Analysis

Week 8: Midterm Exam

Tentative SCHEDULE

WeekLectureLab or Field Trip
1Watersheds and Water Mass BalancesLab: Watershed
2Precipitation, Measurement, and Historical DataWeekend field trip to the Old Croton Dam and Aqueduct
3Evaporation, Transpiration, EvapotranspirationWater budget of Mono Lake 1
4(Quiz #1) Infiltration, Water at the Land-SurfaceWater budget of Mono Lake 2
5Runoff Processes, Infiltration and Saturation Excess FlowsLab: infiltration
6Streamflow, Hydrographs, Land Use ChangeLab: stream flow
7Flood Prediction and Flood Frequency AnalysisLab: flood frequency
8Midterm ExamGreen Infrastructure Field Trip
9Porous MediaLab: Porosity, specific yield, specific retention
10Basics of Groundwater flowLab: Groundwater Hydrology Part B
11Darcy’s LawLab: Groundwater Hydrology Part A
12(Quiz #2) Flow Modeling, Wells, and Pumping TestsLab: Darcy’s law
13Water Quality and Groundwater ContaminationLab: water quality data and pollution sources
14Groundwater RemediationReview