Week 7 Resources
Attached Files:
1. Lecture slides: Properties of aquifer (see attached).
2. Recording of zoom lecture on 10/19/2021 (Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021 08:59 AM)
Access Passcode: M^p?j81J
3. Recording of zoom lecture on 10/21/2021 (Thursday, Oct 21, 2021 09:02 AM)
Access Passcode: $^^TP4A7
4. USGS Groundwater
Groundwater: What is Groundwater? (usgs.gov)
5. Groundwater.org
Week 7 Problem Set
Attached Files:
Please complete ALL the questions in Problem Set #7. You can consult and discuss with your classmates, or use other resources. You must complete your own work and submit in Blackboard. Please submit by the end of (TBA). No late submission is accepted.