1. Flow Duration Curves
Flow Duration Curve | EARTH 111: Water: Science and Society (psu.edu)
2. Rainfall-runoff analysis (fao.org)
3. Gaining and losing streams
Hydrologic Cycle and Interactions (usgs.gov)
4. Precipitation, infiltration and runoff
Rain Precipitation, Infiltration and Run Off Relation – YouTube
5. Lecture 3 slides: Lecture 3 Runoff, flood.pptx
Problem Set #3: Runoff, hydrograph and discharge
Attached Files:
Please complete ALL the questions in Problem Set #3. You can consult and discuss with your classmates, or use other resources. You must complete your own work and submit in Blackboard. Please submit by (TBA). No late submission is accepted.
Lab #2: Estimating Runoff
- Lab2_Runoff_Curve Number Method.docx
- Lab #2 answers.xlsx (21.309 KB)
- Hoeft, Claudia C., P.E.,F. ASCE,National Hydraulic Engineer,. “NRCS Runoff Curve Number Hydrology: Development, Staus, and Updates.” n.d. https://eesc3600.commons.gc.cuny.edu/wp-content/blogs.dir/28471/files/2023/07/nrcs_cn_method.pdf.